Online Will Service

Free Online Legal Will Service

Are you worried about being cremated or buried in a manner contrary to your faith and Islamic priniciples?

If the answer is yes then we highly recommend that you create a Islamic Will.

Sign up today for our free online legal will service.

We have teamed up with Islamic Finance Guru to offer a free online legal will service for Muslims.


Registration is a simple process. Please click on the link below to register now:

Eligibility Criteria

1) Muslims Reverts
2) Muslims in Mixed Marriages
3) Muslims who are vulnerable and in need

About Islamic Finance Guru

We want to take Muslims from being among the poorest in society to the richest. But prosperity isn’t just about personal financial stability. It’s also about looking after those around you. Our goal at IFG is to empower Muslims to invest in their own futures, so the entire community can thrive. We think that this is the most effective way to deal with problems like discrimination, under-representation and poverty.

13 Rivers Trust Programmes

Eden Care UK
We want to improve the quality care for people who are terminally ill and reaching End of Life.
Muslim Burial Fund
We want to bury Muslims in need with dignity and in accordance with their wishes and faith.
Sylhet Aid
Providing poverty alleviation & aid to the poorest communities in the Greater Sylhet region.
Through RescueOrphans we support orphans within their communities and keep them safe.